Wednesday, February 13, 2008

FREE diapers! FREE!!!!

Today a case showed up on our porch. A big one, addressed to my son. My husband was ticked because he had given me a lecture a month ago about cutting back on our spending and obviously I had defied him by ordering something large.
But it was diapers. Free ones. Apparently a child over the age of 4 who still needs diapers is in need of medical supplies (diapers) which are supplied free to those on Medical Assistance. I would not have known this if the home health care nurse had not brought it up when I mentioned my son was basically day trained but needed pull ups at night. She asked that life-changing question, "Now, MA is paying for that, right?" Ummm, No. She gave me a number to call, I called, gave out Monster's MA number, his height and weight, and received a package of samples. Picked my favorite, called bck, placed an order, and here they are!
Please don't ask why this excites me so much. I guess because those diapers are EXPENSIVE. I got to take two unopened packages back to Target tonight and got $30.00 back on my credit card. So this could save us a bundle.
I think it's enabling us a bit, though. There's no incentive to get Monster out of overnight pullups if we can get an unlimited free supply. I'm guessing at some point he'll decide he wants to go without them. But if it isn't for a few years, hey, I'm fine with that. Really,really fine.

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