Friday, July 25, 2008

So I'm going to live....

The surgery was Wednesday and today I got the news - benign. I wish I could remember what it was called, this growth on my leg. I should have written it down when the nurse told me. Oh, well.

Monster talked about nothing else for the past two days, so that every adult he came in contact with was asking me, "how's your leg?" Poor little guy. He gets so stressed by things like this. And now I'm crabby because I am in pain and I'm feeling a tad sorry for myself.

I kept telling myself, if this turns out to be okay, if I don't have some horrible cancer or other disease, I would change my life. Now that it's over, well....

Maybe tomorrow?


polycotte said...

So glad to hear that you are "benign." We knew it all along!


Anonymous said...

Great news! Congratulations!