Monday, July 28, 2008

Angry Monster

Angry Monster is becoming more and more common lately. Angry Monster tells me I am mean. Angry Monster refuses to give me a bedtime kiss or hug. Angry Monster Yells at me, swings at me like he wants to hit, stomps and slams doors. Angry Monster is mostly about me, not so much about Hubby.

My Monster has always been my sweet Mama's Boy. The kid I found sweetness in even when he was rotten.

But Angry Monster leaves me a little hurt (although I don't let it show) and a little sad.

And he's really not very sweet.

We still have those moments when he snuggles up with me and all feels right and good.

But those moments are less and less.

Most of the time he is hating me for something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwww, hurtful, hateful things...why do they seem to need to be the norm? My Aspie can cut me to the core in the blink of an eye. He never apologizes, does not seem to even consider that this is not appropriate. It is so hard. He does not direct these things at his Dad either. Only me. I don't have any good suggestions for you but I can give you a {{{HUG}}}.