Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Do I have courage?

This is what Monster asked me today.

It went like this.

"Mommy, what is courage?"

"It's being brave and strong."

"Do I have courage?"

"You sure as heck do!"

"Tell me why I am strong and brave. Tell me brave first."

"You're brave because you walk into dark rooms. You sleep in your own bed. You stand up to your friends when they try to get you to do bad things. You get onto the schoolbus by yourself every day and go to school. You try new things. "

"And how am I strong?"

"Well, when you use it this way, "strength" isn't about muscles, it's more about being strong inside."

"Like, when my friends call me a bad name and I don't let it hurt my feelings because it's their problem and not mine?"

"Exactly! And you are VERY strong-willed. That's a good thing lots of the time."

"So I have lots of courage?"

"Oh yeah!! TONS!!"

And I swear I saw his little chest puff up just a bit. I felt so good about the conversation.

I just love my little Monster so much!

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