Thursday, June 19, 2008

Maybe not so brave

I thought that having Monster in my life had made me brave. And in many little ways, it has.

But then I get this mole,

and I am falling apart.

I need to have it surgically removed. It's huge. I tried to ignore it for 6 months, hoping it would simply disappear.

But then the other day I caught a glimpse of it (it's at the top on the back of my thigh) and thought, wow, I really think that maybe this is something that needs checking.

I hate going to the doctor. Doctors have been mean to me in the past and they scare me. And this has NOT changed since Monster entered my life. Sure, I can talk to any doctor about my son, request anything, no matter how rude or bitchy or stupid the doctor thinks I am.

But for myself? Not at all.

So driving home from the doctor's office I start thinking, I can't die. And of course if I had been a truly devoted mother it would have been because I need to keep helping Monster, need to keep fighting for him.

But the truth of it is, I am scared of dying because I want more time with my son. I want to hug him more and hold him more and let him fall asleep next to me and I want to look up from whatever I am doing and be awestruck by the beauty of this child who came out of me and I want to hear the sweet chirrup of his voice and I want to laugh at his incredible sense of humor.

I don't want to leave yet. For all the most selfish reasons.

Of course, I'm worrying before I even know anything. But that is nothing new.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you. These are trying times and you are allowed to be selfish and think those thoughts. Be glad that you are in a frame of mind that you can appreciate the joys of your child and embrace the sweet goodness of the relationship you have with him.

Things are as they are meant to be. You are very brave.
